Monday 13 August 2012

College Essay Idea Exchange Create a blog of your own at Once your blog is created, email me your blog address. I am going to connect your blog to mine, so please make sure your blog name has your name within it so that it is easily identifiable. We want to be able to comment on one another's essays and creative work, so I will keep us all in the same spot. Compose your college essay and POST it to your blog no later than August 22, Wednesday. Once everyone has posted his or her blog, we will need to comment on one another's work. I want you to comment on three essays other than your own. Remember this rule please: All criticism must be constructive. For each comment that you post, please focus on both a positive and a negative aspect of the essay. Please go beyond grammar and forms of be and take a hard look at the content. I am hoping that everyone will compose his or her essay in word and check spelling and grammar there. It is best to compose using something like Microsoft Word that will alert you to needed corrections. Once your essay is how you want it, select it and copy and paste it as a post on your blog. Your comments on other students blogs are due by: Friday, August 24th.