Monday 3 September 2012

Brave New World Research Paper. The Brave New World has arrived. Prove it. Using scientific, historic, anthropological, and psychological resources - explain how the ideas and values concerning science and technology, sex, drugs, death, aging, censorship, art, religion, emotion, and consumerism that are espoused in Huxley's Brave New World mirror those in contemporary American culture. YOU MUST PICK ONE AREA OF FOCUS AND CARVE YOUR THESIS OUT OF THIS AREA. YOU MUST FOCUS YOUR RESEARCH ON THIS ONE PARTICULAR AREA. For research you must use at least three scientific resources, three historical resources, three anthropological resources, and three psychological resources. There is a list to the right of this assignment on your blog that includes some resources, but this is by no means an exhaustive list. Magazine articles and newspaper articles are all fine resources for this piece. RESEARCH is an integral part of the research paper, and you need to do your best to come up with creative and interesting resources. You must also use two interviews and one survey in your research paper. You will also need to incorporate at least two artifacts into your paper in addition to five quotes from Huxley's text. The paper must be a minimum of 7 pages typed, double spaced. We will be using APA formatting unless otherwise noted. Make sure you have a solid, workable thesis ready to turn in on Tuesday, September 11th. The tentative due date for all resources is Tuesday, September 18th. The tentative due date for the final paper is Tuesday, October 9th. Do not procrastinate.